
We have butterfly counters with Bachelor Degrees making 2x's what a firefighter makes. We have a guy fresh out of college telling a Fire Chief with 30 years Wildland fire experience how and when to burn prescribed fires.
"Butterfly Counters". Love it. Our department was full of those. Spent their days writing thesis on bat migratory patterns, but showed up for a woodland assessment wearing shorts and sandals... How do ya like that buckthorn, sweetie? Spent tons of budget money on building owl and bat structures instead of habitat reclamation/restoration/management, mostly because it provided better photo ops for them... They're not really about the flora & fauna, they're about self-promotion and padding their resumes so they can move on...

People are leaving in droves to go to municipal firefighting jobs, State jobs like CalFire, or leaving the industry all together.

People get fed up and leave so that leaves people with less experience to move up the ladder and we are starting to see some inexperience in top positions.
And that inexperience remains with you, because they lack the judgement/knowledge/practical experience to move on to a private sector job. With these types now becoming entrenched in their positions, they naturally hire/promote others like themselves, so their own shortcomings don't become glaringly apparent by comparison. Now it becomes self-perpetuating, with unqualified people, many of whom haven't spent a single day in the field, managing entire departments and huge budgets. And they wonder why they can't retain qualified field personnel.