Need A833 advice

I might be mis-reading your last sentence, but If I'm not, I believe it to be wrong. As long as the engine is running and the clutch is engaged, all of the gears will be spinning in a constant direction, whether the car is moving forwards, backwards, or stopped in neutral. The input gear and the M/S gears will all turn in the same direction as the engine, and the counter-shaft will spin in the opposite direction.

You are correct on both counts. Here is the quote;
As it happens, Chrysler made those gears helically cut, so then, the spinning input gear drives the M/S gears in one direction when going forward, and in the opposite direction when the wheels are doing the driving.
It's just a thought........

What I meant was that the THRUST is in opposite directions, depending on from which end the M/S is being powered.