Need A833 advice
I'm learning here too guys, because I have never, in the thousands of manual transmissions that I have built, seen a synchro just up and grab a gear.
>Since the driveshaft is off, we know there is a problem in the box.
> since the brass actually bites the cone, the brass is fine.
> Since OP has checked the springs and struts, and I'm pretty sure that the hub will fit and work installed either side to front; we know the synchronizer is assembled correctly.
> the M/S is fixed in position, and no mention is made of it wobbling,
> The 1-2 slider is universal, and only fits one way
I'm leaning towards the idea that there is nothing physically wrong with any one piece of the synchronizer unit, nor it's assembly.
Now, we do know that there were two different synchronizer assemblies used in the A833; an early and a late. And that either unit can be used, in it's entirety. The struts and hubs are a matched set, and you can't mix them up. And, while the sliders will physically fit on either hub, they will not work at all on the wrong struts, because the struts will not be properly captured. If someone did this, he would complain about gear-clash.
But; the late brass will actually fit in the early hubs, with the early struts, but the early struts are longer and narrower, and altho I have never assembled a hybrid unit like this, I don't think it is possible to actually install it like that. And I suspect that if it was possible, the brass would be out too far and attempting to grab both Low and Second simultaneously at all times.
I don't think that's possible.
More likely is that something else is going on that is new to me. And that is why;
I am
on the edge
of my seat.