Trailer Tires
28ft enclosed. My latest flavor is Greenball Tow Masters 235/85/16. They’re G rated (4079lb per tire) and 75mph speed rated. These are the highest rated tire I’ve run and even with the 110psi cold inflation spec, I generally run 90psi in them. Our biggest problem by far is the insane road temperatures we encounter. It’s nothing during the summer months to see 160 degree + and on our stop inspections we’ll often see 150+ degree tire temps (compared to mid 80s we saw going across Wyo last Labor Day). Memorial weekend was our last outing and I removed my tire investment from the trailer and stored them inside this summer. I rarely get more than two years out of a set of tires out here, but I think I might get more life from these. So far I have 8500 miles on them and the wear is awesome.