I just saw your nasty reply from 2 years ago (a reply you made three years after the last post! Anyone who comes along three years later to post such unwarranted vindictive remarks on a PUBLIC forum is a sad and miserable loser indeed. In fact I'm surprised that a moderator didn't remove it; isn't there something in the rules about being respectful at all times? Just because you have over 8,000 posts and have a vain, jerk-off name like Mopar Official ("official" of what exactly?) doesn't qualify you to vent your spite publicly. Especially for what you took offence at: my mild frustration at a comment which clearly showed the member hadn't read the OP properly and which was not constructive. I aim to always be polite and constructive in my posts and I would never descend to public name calling. But this rebuttal is an exception: if you want to see a genuine "ignorant dickhead" then look no further than in the mirror, the same one that's been staring back at you for the last 44 years.
And BTW, why is your PM Inbox permanently full for years? That might be a clue to a few things going on inside that fuzzy brain.