Stop in for a cup of coffee

Many years ago a friend had a 68 charger, another guy offered to wire in a stereo, smoked the wiring from fusebox to headlight switch. Was a mess.
Had a similar one with a kenworth,dash harness burned. 70 some-odd wires to replace.
It was a metal clip in the dash that rubbed through. Wiring harness sat on it,in its proper retainers. That one was a mess.
This seems to be more typical of what really happens. A little chaffing, a little wear, sometimes a mouse nest.
Yet after all the discussion i did wire in the original ammeter in the Fargo. It was in great shape so i figured why not.

New Jersey, just announced a drop in gasoline Tax.
Hey Pennsylvania, are you paying attention!
Our Gov is too busy changing his mind on othe random decisions he and his people have made.
Our legislature is too busy dealing with their leadership chasing imaginary boogeymen.

Water rates are going up in Pa. Supposedly to pay for infrastructure repairs WHY. Isn't the state getting free money from the Feds. For that?
You're applying logic again.

Today's paper is the best. Philadelphia's leaders are blaming each other and other cities for the lack of trust and cooperation in Philadelphia. :realcrazy:
Well that's progress. Now that they have identified the other guy as the problem, cooperation will be right around the corner.

Good Morning everyone. My comment about ammeters causing fires - mostly due to old wires, years of changes, loose dirty connections, larger alternator outputs with no upgrades, etc. Anyway, like I mentioned elsewhere yesterday, could be wrong - usually am.
Struck a nerve because while I've occassionally seen an ammeter fail, the assertion that ammeters cause lots of cars to burn down doesn't seem to have any basis in fact.
People beleive it, and then go hack their harness with a bunch of cheap dollar store crimp connections and think they've done something good when they've done the opposite.
MAD's recommended hack has design flaws. As they are the biggest promoters of this myth on the web, that's the design most people adopt. :(