Throwing my hands up on this ignition!

I don’t need to ask him anything. I already know the answer. Amps wins. Every time. And the nonsense you posted about fuel engines is also wrong.
Ohms law trumps you on this. Voltage, resistance and current are a balancing act. Change one has an affect on one or both of the others. Voltage is electrical pressure. Without it the other two mean nothing to us. Current is like the flow rate of water in a hose. Resistance slows the flow of electrons which can be useful or a pain in the butt when it gets in a place we need the current.
In a normally runnig street engine the ign voltage may be able to jump the spark plug gap as low as 10kv. Under high load that may go up to 35kv or more if the capable. Wider plug gaps delay the spark and push the required voltage higher. Supercharged engines need either higher spark voltage or less plug gap, and possibly both.