Benefit trinkets for Leanna
I'm so overwhelmed by all of this I don't know what to say except Thank You! Both boards are going so above and beyond that it's hard to absorb. Please know in your hearts that your generous efforts are appreciated more than words can even begin to convey.
Though my blood family is smaller now, my extended one is reminding me yet again why I love you guys so much! Thank You all.
:thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
I want everyone to understand that I'd prefer to rattle my riffler files and powder gun for you and hope to be able to repay this kindness tangibly some day. Not knowing real names will make it tough to match paypal donations up with members' handles but I'll make every effort to do it when the time comes.
You're ALL superstars in my eyes!