what's going on with my lights?

1968 barracuda was 318 when it left Hamtramck but been sporting a 340 for these last 10 years. All aftermarket gauges as long as i've had it but the instrument dimmer switch was still operational. Until last weekend. I lost all of my instrument lights and running lights, thats my taillights, side markers, and parking lights. I thought ok, the first position on the headlight switch has puked out so I bought a new switch. It was a little corroded after all. No change. I've replaced the instrument fuse and cleaned up the terminal. No change. My blinkers, gauges, headlights, pillar lights, tach all work. the car runs and drives. The "stop/tail" fuse has battery voltage. I haven't checked all of my fuses but they do not appear blown.
I have a manual and Im chasing down wires to and from the headlight switch and fuse block but I'm finding that the orange wires disappear at a couple of points. they go into the No. 5 slot in the terminal going to the the column but there are no wires on the other side... The orange wire in that disk shaped junction have nothing connected there either. I fear the instrument lights are all connected somewhere ELSE ??The black wire to the headlight switch has juice.
Additionally, I had an incident awhile back where I replaced a broken tach, my lights were left on when I connected my battery ground. I got some sparks and learned that I had burnt out both of my taillights. I replaced the bulbs and the 32amp fuse that was in there with a standard 20amp and cleaned up the terminal. they were working at that point.
Do ya'll think I could be wired funny? Where would you look that could take out this combination of lights?

thanks in advance.... I'll check back in the morning