Be careful

Not much I can say that hasn't already been said. Damn, glad they're ok. Hope her insurance is good enough to cover the medical and repair bills.

That said, I strongly suggest everyone getting a dash cam that has both front and rear cameras. Wouldn't have helped in this instance but who knows what she'll try to claim once insurance gets involved and things get serious. I've seen people lie their butts off afterwards to try to escape liability for what they have done. A dash cam can really help save your butt both criminally and liability wise. It can also help capture important info to bust hit-and-runners. Another nice feature is that some of them can monitor your car even if it's parked and you are nowhere around. I know some think they're expensive but is your driving record, your insurance costs, and making sure the right person is held responsible for their actions important to you? I know I won't drive without one.