Stock 340 Manifolds or TTI Shorties?

Is this a statement of results, or opinion? I find it hard to believe no difference would be noticed on a stroker going from cast manifolds to headers. On the dyno my 408 made 25 more horsepower going from 1 5/8 headers to 1 3/4 headers. I'm pretty certain 25 hp can be noticed, manifolds to headers likely a bigger gain.
Was the dyno run through mufflers, or open? On the street, the exhaust is bottled up so that would likely negate some gain. I don't mind installing the shorties if they will provide a notable gain, but is it worth the effort and need to go back to the exhaust shop to have them join the existing exhaust to the new headers? That is my question. Also, I am running the 1970 340 manifolds if that makes any difference.