That was a big fat fail

Bear Trap. Seriously. Bear Trap.

As blue as this state has become I have asked my police force if I can put a bear trap in my yard for intruders. They said not in city limits because of city ordinance's. However in rural Colorado I can legally put a bear trap on my land as long as I am only trying to trap coyotes. Open traps are not allowed for hunting in Colorado now (thanks blues). But coyotes are a problem so they are accepting of that. If someone happens to step in that bear trap it is their fault for being on a posted property.
My police also told me that since this is a make my day state that if someone is in my yard with a pipe in their hand, and it was raised in any way that I can shoot them legally. The police also noted that if'n I were a female that the law is even more lenient. I was told to shoot the intruder as they do not have time for all the new crime from the new administration. And told to make sure there is a pipe or a weapon of any sort around, on the ground, next to the dead guy.