Drive Shaft Trunnion Boot.....

About 3 yrs ago I bought a NOS trunnion boot and kit while at Carlisle. Actually, may have been NORS. It was too big to fit my 64 Val so if you have a choice, go small.

Original boot was split and still throwing grease on the underside of my car. Then 2 summers ago I adapted an ATV boot and it's holding up well. (knocks on wood)

In general, I find reproduction boots including clutch fork are molded too thin and don't hold up. And don't ever buy a 4 speed boot from that company out west that rhymes with Masons.

They just use cheap rubber and they don't hold up. The CV boot is a great idea! And they hold up great, The ones on my Chevy 4x4 front axle had 350,000 miles on them and 18 years old and still going strong.