Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries & 2947 cnties in US

and I'm not makin this up said something like "With every death, we have to assume it was COVID". Folks, THERE IT IS right there! LMAO

And after they assume it, they set out to prove it, even if it means they take a 400x magnifying glass to find one dead molecule, AHA! there it is; case closed; it was covid. Never mind that obvious big hole where all his blood leaked out.

Ok wait get this; They close half the beds in the hospital; ostensibly to handle Covid sufferers. Then a buncha people that needed real treatment die. So they do the covid test on those, and, oh, BTW: they all died of covid-related sickness. And the deaths are added to the Covid numbers. That's how moronic this chit is.
With all thischit going on, how can anyone believe ANY statistics, at all!?
The "shadow" government is not your friend.
Your local government is not your friend.
Even Big Pharma is not your friend.
We do not have any friends any more, unless it's Family.
Everybody just wants us dead, dead, dead; they don't even want our money/stuff anymore.........