Cost of Driving an EV

You seem to be quite the authority on Portland Oregon for someone who lives in Southwest Washington..
Seem to be kind of a love hate relationship for you...

I don't need to be an authority to know Portland is a shithole. I can smell it from Kansas City when the wind blows from the northwest, and it appears as a large blue stain on every map i look at. Still not really sure how that fits into this thread but I ain't real sharp.

A lot of those “destination” chargers are free to use. Can’t beat free.

For now.

I would do a little research how hydrogen fuel cells work? There is very little relative hydrogen by volume involved. Gasoline is far more dangerous. The drawbacks are still electric storage. But that technology is closing the gap fast. Some of the future technologies (If can be brought to market profitable?) Is crazy efficient. Thousands of miles on charges that takes minutes?

Popular mechanics has been hinting that internal combustion technologies are obsolete for decades. That time (I believe) has come. Today's electric cars can put our hot rods on the trailer. Tomorrow's? Won't be a fair contest.

If you're going to cite Popular Mechanics, that's not going to help any point you're trying to make. Hydrogen might better than Nutella on hot toast but the average idiot can only be counted on to do something stupid with it, and the average militant will do amazingly tragic stuff with it.

In case you have not seen this. Tesla motor in Classic Mopar. This guy is crazy good.

But does it have a soul? Get out of here with that day-walker morphodite ****