Don't be tempted to try and manage the entire job yourself.
The guys who have quoted become responsible for the job for starters....and when things go pear shaped, you're not the guy getting it in the ear from all directions.
Different country and a different currency...but I paid close to $40k for my concrete - this included a full driveway, a side driveway, formed pathway down one side of the house, and a pad for my garden shed. Included in the price was all the earthworks - which only took two days - mainly because the guy running the Bobcat and two trucks was so efficient. He hardly had to wait any length of time between loads. The driveway were sculpted and contoured as he went.
The only parts I had to do was design and build my own retaining walls, and advise where to run the edges to if needed. I had all the side retaining walls built and set ready, and the area cleared of anything that might get in the guys' way during while they worked.
Oh, and I kept the guys happy with cups of coffee, cookies and beers afterwards. :)
I ended up with one of the best looking driveways in the area....all the neighbours wanted to know who did it....I still get asked nearly 4 years later. :rolleyes: