Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well it is a funny story, we were sitting around one evening having just completed a long range shoot where, as always the Creedmoores totally dominated and crushed all others. As we were watching some Cowboy TV (campfire) sampling mason jars for quality, one of the guys says what if we created a class whereas only lever actions with buckhorn sights could be used? We all laughed hysterically with the associated nobody could hit anything comments. Explaining what a ridiculously stupid idea it was we all agreed and moved on to new topic, mason jar does a couple more revolutions around the circle and wa la, best idea ever. Buckhorn challenge is born. This is the first year and it has been just a hot mess. I will find out today but average hits are maybe 15%? First week I was on top and only hit steel three times, lots of skunks. It has just been a blast. We will need to reformat a bit for next year as it went from a hysterical side show to an actual side match. We get a lot of spectators and some hilarious efforts.

mason jar does a couple more revolutions around the circle and wa la, best idea ever. Buckhorn challenge is born.

Love it. :lol::thumbsup: