Thank the Lord we are non-partisan. Everyone knows which way the candidates lean but no party affiliation is mentioned. The incumbent mayor has been doing a good job maintaining the city and spurring growth. His opponent is a 60+ year old grandma that has spent a couple years on council. She's running on the "follow me and I will reduce your taxes" but she doesn't have a clue how to do it without cutting the heck out of the budget and taking police and fire fighters off the street. You can't have it both ways. Like some bumbling fool said last night at the council podium, complained about his taxes and then complained that his street needed repaved and crime is up in his neighborhood.
Sorry dude, You can't have it both ways. :BangHead::BangHead:
Too much political. I am done. Thanks for listening. Respond with a "like and I can take this post down" LOL