Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ouch! Somebody didn't do their homework there. That's why you don't want to elect clueless people. And I agree, there is waste and blunders everywhere. We can't complain too much unless we run, get elected and are part of the process.
Yep. I’ll be honest. I’ve thought about it. I’ve had people suggest it from actually both of the big name parties. At least locally. But trust me, I hate both parties and I would be a nightmare in any political office. I’d not get re-elected as I’d piss everyone off. I’d line item every single penny on the budget and require a justification to anything not emergency or essential or infrastructure related. Ain’t nobody needing to spend 2 million on arts projects to “attract visitors “ as there ain’t nobody visiting hoe dunk redneck vile, Indiana where the only claim to fame is a train robbery that happened 200 years ago here.