Stop in for a cup of coffee

Never did apply. Figure I've got all my appendages and a good health plan at work. As time goes on I'm pretty sure I hit my head a few hundred times more than is healthy though. I have my theories around that.

A buddy has been encouraging me to do so. Maybe. I have the forms and a complete copy of my med.records
I would encourage it to. I went in looking for the sleep aid they'd (military) given me. They sent me to the service organizations. I went in the VFW and the guy filled out my application for benefits. I supplied the medical records. I went in over two years for a couple exams and was awarded a disability based on my past injuries. They back paid me to the month/year of my application. I don't use them for medical care. I have tricare and social security for my civilian doctor. I go to the VA for a yearly exam for benefits. At our age though they will deem you permeant and don't have to worry about disability rating deductions. A simple process.