Mancini vs Dr Diff Front Disc Kits

One more thing that's important for disc brake conversion kits. Those sold by Dr. Diff use widely available replacement parts. Pads, shoes, rotors, drums, calipers are all available through many regular parts sources. That could be important in a few years. The kits Mancini's sells use proprietary parts, as do several others. If those parts become unavailable when you need a brake job, you're in trouble. A friend of mine had to completely re-do his front brakes when Stainless Steel Brakes closed up a few years ago. SSBC is back, but rotors for their kits were unavailable for a few years. My friend made up a kit from '73-up stock parts. Some of Dr. Diff's kits are based on those parts, only all new, and they're usually less expensive than finding used parts.
Now that’s some good insight. Thanks!