Theres no bad pitbulls...just bad people...

About 10 years ago a bull moose tried pushing my pickup off the road as my friend and I were drinking coffee waiting for first light.
You haven't been in a skirmish until you tackle a bull moose. lol
That kinda reminds me a little about a customer we had when I worked at the Toyotee dealer service department years ago. Remember the T-100 full size Toyotee trucks? This guy had one.....a brand new one. He'd come in to let us do everything to it.....even check the air in the tires. He was an older guy a farmer. Every time without fail he'd come in, he'd have a new dent or three in that brand new truck. I finally asked him one day. He said he bought it for a farm truck and those dents were where his bull was leanin against it giving it "love taps" with his head. LOL I told him I'd sure hate to see a "hate tap". LOL