Moroso water pump drive kits

We've ran the Moroso style water pumps for years. Atleast 25+, as I don't remember when dad installed it on the car. We've always ran a gutted thermostat. We do use the larger diameter pulley on the motor on 3 of the 4 cars we use them on. The 4th one seems to do okay without the larger diameter pulley. We have Champion 3 or 4 row alum radiators in the cars with a 16" electric fan. For my car I usually try to pull into the water box around 140-145, by the time I stage car will be 160 and rarely see's over 200 at any given point. The only time it goes above 200 is on 90+ degree days and I putts back to the pits after a run. Takes only a few mins to cool the car down for another run. Key to this setup is not to have the belt to tight. When you make the belt tight it makes it harder for the motor to start. We've ran these on Big block and small block combos. Beats the heck out of the high dollar water pumps. My father in law replaces them about every 2-3 years and even buys the good ones. In the last 20 years I've had to replace 1 motor.