Best bolt ons for a small block

Should I have the distributor sent out and have it phased?
That's up to you. I think Halifaxhops on here can do that. Theres a place online that makes a drop in disc that sets the advance limits and such. I cant remember who it was though. Heres a basic schematic I made on how to wire in the HEI. It includes the coil to use, and the advance springs I'd recommend. The Mr gasket 925B spring kit recommends you replace only one of the OEM advance weight springs if for street use. I cannot remember which one since it's been awhile. I think it was the heavier one. But to leave the stock lighter one. For my distributor I used the GM end, and mopar end on the plugs and made a short adaptor so I wouldent have to cut the mopar pickups wires to use it. This short adaptor I used 3-1 shrink tube with glue on the inside, then bent it 90° before it cooled.




