70 Swinger Dash lights

Thank you all so very much,,,, wonderful ideas and help,, if I was younger, I would just try to pull the dash out, as the driver side defroster hose, that we put on, is on but maybe not all the way as well as the other issues. But I am old and nervous now, lol. I agree the led indicator lamps would be cool,,,I change those on a 2000 Jeep I had [super easy to remove gauge panel] ,, but leds I had were polarity sensitive,,, and a couple failed after a couple weeks. Car is going into storage, since painter can not get to it until March, so may wait until spring. I have twin , young, long and lanky grandsons that tried once, will attack the flasher again this weekend. The dreaded speedometer cable, does that have a plastic snap end or threaded cup connector ? Thank You all, and be well, be safe !!!!
