Streetmaster to Airgap

Some ones angry.

The one you can't bring yourself to answer. At least Rat finally came around to admitting the head can flow enough air to make the power I need. You're just angry because I made you look foolish.

I didn’t “come around” to anything. I said you are a tool and that’s exactly what you are. The fool is you. I’ll ask it again. What does it prove if you use those heads? And you’ve already admitted it’s not YOUR port work. You are standing on the shoulders of someone else. You couldn’t port those and make them work. It’s still a stupid idea to spend 2k (your figure, not mine but you can bet the R&D a to get the heads to that level was more than that by over double, but you don’t count that) on a head like that. It makes zero sense, unless you want to have a dick measuring contest, thinking you can make more power with a sorry casting. I work smart, not hard. You copy and claim it’s yours. A pathetic troll.