High output alternator recommendations
I will say it one more time and this is not POO POO'ing on 1 wire Alternators as they are great if installed correctly.
A 1 Alt wire gets its voltage reading inside the alt. The OEM 3 wire gets its voltage reading at the factory voltage regulator and it will sense low volt in the system more in real world conditions.
But if the car/truck's wiring is the same old CRAP of smaller wire and rotten connectors the voltage drop at what ever is being powered may be REAL low and the 1 wire Alt will not read that.
So, if going to a 1 wire Alt, FIX the crap factory wiring and connectors......
If any one has a 50+ year old wiring harness that is in NOS condition, you have a small gold mine as it is worth a lot. Even the re-pop's are not real cheap and may not be 100% all there for all your needs.
And do not put a 90-120 Amp 1 wire Alt on a car/truck with a 35-40 Amp Alt and Amm meter without doing a Amm meter bypass.