Lest We Forget....

My parents anniverary was Dec. 8th, 1941.
Dad was in the USMC stationed at Pearl. He hitched a flight out a few days prior, was driving from Ca. to Ga. to marry my mom,almost there that Sun AM when he heard the news on the car radio. They were married that next day, then the next day, he was driving back to Ca. to return to Pearl.
Pa spoke of the war twice. He spoke of his time the service very few times. He was in Marine Corp. aviation. He flew aerial recon in the S. Pacific. Seems his tour in Korea is what did him in mentally. He never ever really recovered. You would have never known he spent 20 years in the Service.
Pa was stationed in Japan a while right after the surrender. He brought Ma back a set of hand painted china, and me a big hand made wooden boat.

I was born in Honolulu,Ha. Feb 1948. I always have a crazing for pineapple.
Dec. is always hard for me.
Mom was born Dec. 13th, 1905.
Dad retired form the service Dec.1, 1955 and we drove from Ca. to Ga.