Mellenials go trailer camping...........does not end well

I scanned through a few of the comments on their videos. "They didn't listen" sounds more like it. Blather on and on about "THEY" Captain and Mzzz Oblivious
You know Dart ( sorry I dont know your name) but maybe its me, maybe im jealous
maybe the choices I made didnt allow me to drive across the country living out of a trailer.....Sure I had a opportunity when I got discharged active duty but I took a few days off like that was a sin and went right back to my old job, it was what was expected of me
The difference is and most especially after my Uncle was done with me was I had some sort of responsibility and for sure if I screwed up or luck didnt go my way, I sure as **** didnt ask complete strangers for a handout
Going out do some stuff, everyone enjoy Sunday,,,,Grateful for my family/life and keeping those poor people who died, the ones who lost everything in my prayers