Any truth to the practice of BLACK painted parts dissipating heat better?
As mentioned the key to understand is colors that absorb heat faster also dissipate it faster. This is a reason why wood furnaces are painted or coated (or surface-treated) black. We feel black is "hotter" because standing in sunlight with a black shirt you get much hotter than wearing a white one but our bodies are at far too low of a temperature to notice the increased heat dissipation from the black shirt. We have only been able to prove that with objects that get up far hotter than our bodies so it's a much less "intuitive" concept to understand. I studied heat transfer as a mech engineering student (in both bachelor's and master's) and while I did pick up new concepts better than many of my classmates did a lot of it still throws me for a loop and confuses the hell out of me lmao. It's an incredibly complicated subject, so many different variables affect how heat moves from one thing to another.