Future of collector cars

Oh man, another one of these threads. Every year one like this pops up.

The high dollar cars will always be collected. The lesser cars not so much. Hell even a good amount of the older crowd are selling off to buy modern muscle. Can't blame them either. While these dinosaurs are fun to a point and good looking they just can't compare to modern muscle in any part of performance along with comfort.
That's part of the whole point......if you want that feeling of independence and being inside something that isn't perfect, it's raw and rough but built by men then you enjoy your genuine muscle car era cars for all the things that they lack, or at least in your opinion. The modern cars are by no means perfect either......the seats in a lot of cases are more designed for an 18 year olds body and more purpose built and it wasn't for comfort, also the peripheral view out of any of the modern hot rods sucks ***......can't see out of them. The modern cars are refined performance in my opinion with air conditioning, power seats, power brakes, air bag systems, etc. but that's not what I desire when I slide into a muscle car era car.......