Good plan.
Reading plugs is a tricky deal. You don't want to read plugs that have a lot of idle time on them. The plugs need to be fresh and the car run at wide open full load to sort out the main system( main jets and power valve circuit). Same for timing at wide open throttle. Not a simple task. And you have plenty to figure out before you go there.
Your fouled plugs could also come from the idle circuit set incorrectly. Assuming the carb is working as it is supposed to. The timing at idle could be incorrect. This would be a good place to start after you replace the plugs and check the basics.
There are many other problems that could cause your plugs to foul out. I don't know your experience level but you may need to have a reputable "tuner " have a look at it. Do all that you are comfortable doing first and see where you end up. Check and confirm the basics first before you start replacing expensive parts. Good luck