Future of collector cars

Don't forget logic. The evolution of intelligence is for a different day however I will use my Dad as an example. Grew up on a farm and that is an era gone by mostly (IMO.) The level of responsibility and work expected out of kids will bring the average kid to their knees today. I had an interesting vacation week this year and heard the stories from his Siblings. It was a way of life. And if today's kids were thrown into that environment they would figure it out. It's the evolution of how the world runs today.

I would ask you this. In my line of work it is slowly declining (Commercial printing) and the bulk of the experience is now aged. It shows in efficiency and in some cases mentality (irritability.) That's life and the next generation is completely different. But guess what.... The next generation is the only option. And if that isn't working then Automation is and will be the solution. The new generation loves technology and business has been forced to adapt. It's not always about the bottom line in regards to this problem.

So how do we change that situation? It has been going on since Dinosaurs ruled the planet and I don't see that ever changing. But I'm all ears as I have and am currently being entertained by a Corporation to take on this challenge. I don't want this to turn into a pissing match but rather lay your ideas out on the table...

Don't get me wrong there are good young people out there intelligent hard-working honest young people but society continues to get more greedy more corrupt more selfish and self-serving all of the time. The ends justify the means it doesn't matter how you get yours it's just business . and society promotes evil and blurs the lines to make themselves feel better about their desire. Attitudes like be kind and do something volunteer help someone out only matters if it's convenient or makes you appear good or it gives you a nice tax break. am proud of my own children hard-working ethically strong and doing okay. Make no mistake wealth can also be a curse. This decline is nothing new the best civilizations in history have succumbed to their own desires and neglected the basics till they became someone else's b**** I don't claim to have a crystal ball, but I will say in the pledge of allegiance ...do we remember what the pledge of allegiance ? one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all no wonder we don't say it in school anymore it doesn't really apply.