UTG -The Mighty 318

He seams like a great guy to spend a day with. I first saw him looking at a red 71 fake Duster for a girl. Some things he was correct on but other things he was just winging it.

I believe with some cash Tony could be on TV. He just needs to get some facts together before he films. I'll watch him just for the info that is good and a laugh or two. Reminds me of my early days.

I've been watching Bad Chad build the Bugatti. Started as a Morris miner. The other day when they dropped the engine I was laughing so hard I had tears

Didn't think they would EVER put a meth head on TV, knowingly. Dudes dark circles under his eyes tell of long nights waiting for more bags of dope. His motorcycle was thee most limp wrister attempt at building a bike I'd ever seen. He may as well mounted rubber dicks on the bars for handles and painted the helmut up like a ******** with hairs. The accent just makes it worse...
Love his parts sources.. just total ******* **** that I would piss on in the yard...he pays 700 for. His approach...envision some outlandish pos and bank on millenials eating it up.