Porting small block 915 j-heads

How much short side work do you have on them?
How to gauge that... some to a decent amount? It goes beyond. Its entirety is the floor hump from the floor to the valve job. You work the wall somewhat and the hump off it... keeping it tall though. If you lay it back and keep it stock heigh...you'd leave a lip at the top to pull mid/roof air and get the same flow or so.
Funny how the bowl is touchy..but the turn could be a range of shape/length.
Your low lift can be great with a small bowl but just croak at 230cfm and in the .400s..or you can make it bigger and get the full range...then bigger and watch the low lift fade. You can gain stable high lift and just wipe the .300 into the 170's..from 190's. When looking at a head..bowl shape can tell you things.