anyone own rental properties on here?

With all these stories...and what I have seen with my own eyes....imagine just 3 years into renting out the investment property......stay with me decide to travel and check on it....and find.... a toilet in the front yard...with a cactus growing out of it...3 non running vehicles in the driveway...cats everywhere... garage full of boxes and junk.. a person named j par passed out on a mattress living in there...dining table piled with magazines,bills, token **** just stench and old food n dishes...livingroom couple of broken TV' ontop that works...some broken DVD players..throw rugs on top of throw tray stands with overflowing ash trays and pill bottles...some 5ths of jack by the chair someone practically lives in and only leaves to **** or change depends...back rooms full of bed ridden relatives and drug addict nephews and their ***** gfs with tats on their hands and thighs... no one uses the front door in years cause they all go around the side through the garage...front porch with old newspapers and disgarded furniture/bicycles..overgrown yard...

Short of a meth lab..but a sure fire suicide or overdose...or drug deal gone bad.

That could be your rental property