Master Cylinder Size

That's where the problem lies.
A person tries one product and says it's great, couldn't ask for better, - how do you know ?
Unless you have tried misc "widgets" and tried them on the same vehicle, numerous times, how do you know which is best, when you have tried only one.
At that point, you're opinion is worthless. No offense, lotta folks do it.
Lotta folks, including myself, build custom brake systems for race cars, rally cars, dragsters, all having different requirements.
When you've studied, experimented, and practiced enuff, -. Then your opinion can be considered .

I wasn't ignoring anything. You seem to have me confused with the OP. I have already purchased the 1 1/32" mc and installed it on my car and I'm totally satisfied with it. My post was like many others responding to the OP with my opinion. I was just telling him what I had done and let him go from there. The fact that you and others had recommended the 15/16" mc was immaterial to me.
