Question on port matching

You know this, I know this, Larry Meaux knows this, I’m sure a slew of top notch people in the field know this. They pass this information down into the hands of the people so they now know this, why RB can not properly plain his position against this is beyond me.

I started to go through everything he said to make a huge long post but grew tired of talking with a wall and have decided to throw in the towel on this subject.

If anybody thinks that a larger intake port up against a smaller cylinder head port is better (LMMFAO&HARD!)
Please do so have at it and if you could, prove RB correct, please do so school me. I’ll only say if it is not on a MoPar engine, then I REALLY DGAF.

MoPar only her peoples!

Have a great one everybody!

Make the post and I will go through it point by point. Your problem is you can’t get your head around the simple fact that air doesn’t do what you think it does. There are only so many ways it can be explained.

The very first video I posted shows what happens when you have a square corner on the down flow side. It’s as simple as that one video, but you shot on the video because the flow was too slow.

This is why I just said at the beginning for the OP to not even bother with port matching. It’s done wrong so much hat has become the de facto way to do it.

I can’t make you spend the time to learn. Learning is hard.