Question on port matching

Make the post and I will go through it point by point. Your problem is you can’t get your head around the simple fact that air doesn’t do what you think it does. There are only so many ways it can be explained.

The very first video I posted shows what happens when you have a square corner on the down flow side. It’s as simple as that one video, but you shot on the video because the flow was too slow.

This is why I just said at the beginning for the OP to not even bother with port matching. It’s done wrong so much hat has become the de facto way to do it.

I can’t make you spend the time to learn. Learning is hard.

No no no, learning is easy when you have the right teacher. Please move aside. It was a pleasure quizzing you in this. Though I don’t agree with you and even more so considering the point of view and direction you assume on the parts in question to the questioner. (That means like a poor archer, you have completely missed the mark.) In the mean time, I’m going to go and find grand-dads old paper work when he was building race engines.

Thank you, good night. Your done.