Fitech Wiring Issues

How exactly did you connect it for switched power and what exactly are you running for an ignition system, AND.....

DO you understand the interaction of the IGN1 "run" and the IGN2 "bypass" ignition circuits?

I am thinking this may be the "key" pun intended.

There are TWO ignition power circuits which originate at the ignition switch, "run" IGN1 and "bypass", IGN2

The "run" wire GOES DEAD during cranking, and in an OEM setup, the IGN2 is hot during start. This IS however, a different circuit (different switch contacts) than the yellow "start" circuit

The bypass/ IGN2 provides power (originally) to the coil + side of the ballast.

The white wire for the Fitech is connected to a blue with white stripe wire coming from the column. From further research from a friend with a service manual this wire was for the voltage regulator which is no longer being used with his set up.

I think i understand what you are talking about. Im in the process of trying getting a better battery for the car and then im going to jump the white wire back to the the battery and see if itll fire off.