Used 4 speed

I'd be putting new bearings into any trans before trying to fix it piecemeal. Lots of play at the input shaft, especially in and out, is a sign of a bad input bearing. Mine was toast and caused bad noises in 4th gear that would go away, or change, in any other gear.

Brewers has all the parts, the cost isn't that bad, and the peace of mind knowing that everything is good and tight inside is priceless.

The hardest two parts for me were removing the reverse idler, and removing the input shaft bearing. The former was simple once I fashioned a tool I saw pictured here on FABO out of some pipe and some all thread. The latter just required renting a puller (I actually used a pair of chisels and was able to remove it rather easily with that). The tail shaft bushing took some care, but wasn't difficult at all (in my case).

Washing the case and tail housing isn't fun, but it's easy. I bake all iron parts to dry them immediately, and follow up with mists of light oil while still hot (I try to ensure all water is evaporated from the surface first too). Any spots that threaten to stain red, I immediately scrub with an oiled brush (nylon brush, usually) before it sets. Fresh rust will usually wipe right off, but give it 20 mins and you're in for more work...