Show us some odd ignitions from the past

Who wants to rebuild my Mark TEN B? I thought I had it working but it doesnt seem to do squat but make a high pitched noise. Definitely doesn't load the coil with 300v. Most I see is 10 v up from 6v? @KitCarlson ?
Del suggests just what I am thinking. High pitched noise suggest step up on low side is working. The cap, triac, secondary winding fault, diode ... loading or restricting. Look to open the circuit at transformer secondary, should see a choppy AC high voltage. There is likely rectification and some inductance and resistance in series.
I am assuming you are trying with an ignition coil, it is part of circuit. The HV supply feeds the cap, in series with coil, other end of coil is grounded. When ignition is triggered, triac shorts supply, that discharges capacitor into coil.
Check voltage at other side of cap and ground, you might find the voltage.
The 10V reading might be leakage or ripple, trying to measure HV DC, with cap in series.