What Circuits For Relay?

Howdy, I used to work over there at the CHP academy where they outfit their vehicles. Keep us updated on your build!

Thanks man, I appreciate it. Here's a build thread of the project if you're interested. It's still got a ways to go, but I'm slowly chipping away.

Mopowers' 66 Dart Build

My 2 cents

Don't ever draw power from the battery, for anything that is normally running with the engine on, on most OEM wired muscle era mopars.

Don't use cheap chinese relays. I've been doing relay kits for 10 years. Had one failure which was related to corrosion from OSPHO being applied nearby. I use only tyco/bosch relays. I'll never use a chinese relay, unless Tyco moves to china, failure rates much higher with those units.

I know the OP is doing a major rewire.

Thanks Rob. I'll definitely be using Tyco relays. Interestingly, the gentleman at Haywire said MAS relays are good too. He said he's gone through them by the thousands and has never heard of a failure.

Probably a stupid question, but why not pull power directly from the battery for anything running when the engine's running? Is it just preferred to pull from the alternator output instead for those items?

You're right about the "major rewire." There ain't a damn wire in this thing. Haha!!
