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Did all 12 gaskets. looked at the oil cooler again and found possible leakage (again) so I replaced the O-ring inside the cooler (bottom plate comes off to show you an O-ring) and ran a small 1/32 rubber bed under the 4 cooler to base O-rings to give them a little more sealing power. Well see if thats where it was leaking from as I could detect a little bit of warpage in the plastic base part. Also grafted on a new plug for the knock sensor. The new one didnt come with a lock wire (BS!) and I didnt have the old one but it was a very secure fit. Same plug as the older Delphi injectors. Smooth sailing until I broke a plastic vacuum hose from the intake to somewhere along the back of the firewall, slipped a 3/8 rubber hose over the 2 briken ends and it worked great. No way these modern vehicles are gonna survive 55 years like our old Mopars. Too much brittle plastic BS on these motors!