Cluster fun.

I have to get the cluster back in place before I'll know if my instrument lights work

You could do a continuity or reistance check from the terminal to the ground for those lights.
Just be careful with the probe or alligator clip on the pin. In factjust touch the base so not to put side pressure on it.

You can also do one from the fuse holder to the round connector that plugs into the circuit board.

If the problem is with the socket holders you'll need to modify or get some used ones in good condition.
On my '85 GW I had to remove the contacts from the original (blue) and transplant them to the new holder.

This required surgery as the original contacts are held in with barbs.
And the new holder's contact openning was a little narrow.

Compared to old Wagoneers, mopars are plentiful and shouldn't have to go through all that unless you're in a jamb.