Left front 2" lower then right(?)

65 Dart Convertible..My left front is lower then my right front by 2". Tried to straighten with torsion bar adjustment but it took too much adjusting in my opinion and stiffened the left while the right is still soft.

Could my problem be rear leafs?? Maybe my right rear is stronger then my left rear. I used the old springs with new bushings, those springs would be 56 yrs old(1965)..yea, probably should have just bought new ones in the first place..also used the original torsion bars. Going to buy new springs and torsion bars. Do you think this will correct my problem or should I look elsewhere??

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You don't state whether or not you've driven the car or not after the new bushing install. If you haven't taken it for a drive, once you do things may settle a bit and you'll get a better idea what is what.