Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well the virus found Cheryl...again.
Sunday, she woke up and felt like she had a head cold with a weak cough.
She took Monday off from work, but with the state employee rules had to get a test.
Test to our surprise came back positive.
She's staying back in our bedroom masking up if she goes to the kitchen and wiping down anything she touches.
I feel fine nothing and staying in the guest room since Sunday.
She feels better and no real problems. She has to quarantine through Friday, and then wear a mask for a week if she goes out.
Having it twice now she should be good to go for a while.
With my major covid bout a year ago, I guess the antibodies are still strong.
Wow, hope she doesn't feel too I'll effects. Don't know how I haven't contacted it yet in 3 years. All the traveling I've done, and been near many people. Super Lucky I guess..