Stop in for a cup of coffee

So forgive my Guard illiterate question, but I was thinking you were an MP? Do they have Warrant Officers in that billet? I may not remember your MOS correctly either? Did you graduate OCS? I once upon a time got the privilege of helping some young Naval OCS candidates navigate sleep deprivation and being on the edge of hypothermia for an extended period of time. In keeping with tradition they gave me a class sweatshirt when they graduated (the ones that made it). It is one of my prize possessions.
yeah, I’m an MP. The state has no WO slots that I can use. Like at all, there are no CID slots in the state either. Reserves only have 4 in the nation and they’re on either coast.

Reclass to what? I've seen WO as MMCO (Maintenance Material Control Officer) and other decent jobs. My sister in law (Navy) zoomed up to E-8 and then went LDO, she's on a good retirement now (O-4), husband is a retired E-8.

I have no clue. That’s the thing. There was a handful of slots that I actually could have used my civilian CAD job on but those went away in the re-org last fall.

So about the only option I have is to reclass to 42A but with that one, I have to serve in that MOS as an E6 for 3 years.

there’s a whole list I can chose from, but I really don’t know which I’d even want to reclass too.