Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well it’s above zero but I’m not doing any fun Mopar stuff today, Keith may stop for a visit, I think I might go out and cut some invasive buckthorn, then watch some football later
Sounds like a perfect day in this winter weather, hope Keith drops in for a visit Pete
I see my bud Jim in background of your pic, that would be a few days after you two finished off his grand dads shine, fun times
Oh yes !! Great times right there, I had the best time of a lifetime there with you guys, and again, thank you for letting me drive that fine 59 v8 truck of yours, you could tell i was brought up driving that year model three on the tree because you let me drive it in town and on the interstate. Wish I was there today but I am working on everything with this 60 and sunny Sunday, oil change in my truck and welding on my 66 fender.
looks to be an old Army Pinks and Green era dress uniform. Circa mid 1920s- through mid 1950s. No rank insignia, just an Army Seal.

Possibly Army Air Corp based on the Gold lining but that’s not always true
wow , thank you so much, it's in great shape and picked it up for 12 dollars
. Appreciate your input buddy