Stop in for a cup of coffee

Went shopping with Ted today. Good time. Hit 3 stores a Starlight Rye barrel pick, 2 bottles of Old Bardstown 101 proof because I couldn't find my favorite 90 proof bottle. Next store found my favorite 90 proof bottle so I bought 2. Stopped at Textile brewing for a giant pretzel and a few samples.

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Man you guys are the ticket! Tell him I said hello! I got tangled up in some knob creek this evening. I laid under a rail car outside, all day in the auger pit. We sheared the bolts between the stub shaft and auger. Arghh! For those that have never seen a rail car unload, the car rolls over a pit that has a very large nasty incline screw auger underneath. The pit generally fills up with excess product over time so you get to lay on your belly to shovel it out, to then access bolts to facilitate repair. Now imagine that in a couple feet of snow in the howling wind in single digit temps. Yep sucked to be me. Right at ten hours with three men to replace two bolts. Thus the knob creek this evening.